
A labelled version of the previous slide so you know where things are. The weather stations I helped set up are labelled Met 1-6. Met 3, 4, and 6 are hidden behind hills so their lines point to their projected locations. The McMurdo Long Term Ecological Research group operates a number of weather stations lower down in Taylor Valley and over in Wright and Victoria Valleys to the north. Their station on the Taylor Glacier has been there since the summer of 1994/5. So it should give us an idea of how our data compares with a longer-term record. Camp 3 is off the screen to the right. Camp 2 is just barely hidden by the nose of the Kukri Hills; the western edge of Cavendish Rocks can be seen in the picture; the camp was in the middle of Cavendish Rocks. This year I only went to Camp 1.